Cider Sensory Analysis & BJCP Training
This series of classes is led by National ranked BJCP judges with cider judge endorsements, exam administration, grading, and senior BJCP management experience. They provide the cider maker with the essentials to self critique aspects of their own cider as well as provide the knowledge needed to become a skilled BJCP cider judge. The classes consist of both technical education as well as development of analyzing skills. The series prepares you to pass the entrance exam as well as developing the judging skills needed for the tasting exam and judging in competitions.
The classes are open to anyone and not limited to people intending to become judges as the material is valuable for any cider maker interested in taking their cider to a higher level. The program has been designed as combination of class room and self-study sessions over the course of three weeks with recommended reading and reference material. These courses can be enhanced by scheduling causal get-togethers with friends at the end of the three classes, share samples of cider and prepare for the online entrance exam as well as the tasting exam. It is strongly recommended that attendees complete the pre-work in order to actively participate in classroom discussions and practices.